I have a three years old desktop with AMD 2400+ CPU, 640 MB RAM on a Via KM400 motherboard. I love my desktop as it helps me in experimenting with the latest and the greatest software and distribution releases. Currently I have OpenSUSE 10.3 on it. Its a fairly old computer so I could not try the latest eye candy on it, I am referring to compiz-fusion.
I also wanted to test mac4Lin, but could not test the eye candy again.
One fine day I decided that I had enough and went ahead to buy an economical graphics card which will run fusion easily. A little search and I had determined that I am going for Nvidia 6200 256 MB card. Now this card is just for RS 2300 ( aprox $60, might get even cheaper in US ) and delivers excellent results for compiz-fusion.
Buying the card was the toughest part, after it was all smooth. From opening the chassis and physically installing the card to getting beautiful compiz, all was like a child's play. Here are the steps I followed after physically installing the card and rebooting to OpenSUSE 10.3.
Also would request to please tell me how to have that ultra cool FIRE burning effect that I have seen in numerous you tube videos.
OpenSUSE have really hit the bulls eye with their one click install concept and I am loving it.
I also wanted to test mac4Lin, but could not test the eye candy again.
One fine day I decided that I had enough and went ahead to buy an economical graphics card which will run fusion easily. A little search and I had determined that I am going for Nvidia 6200 256 MB card. Now this card is just for RS 2300 ( aprox $60, might get even cheaper in US ) and delivers excellent results for compiz-fusion.
Buying the card was the toughest part, after it was all smooth. From opening the chassis and physically installing the card to getting beautiful compiz, all was like a child's play. Here are the steps I followed after physically installing the card and rebooting to OpenSUSE 10.3.
- The system could not start KDM, as it was configured to my earlier via driver, and brought me to command line login. I just edited the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and changed the driver to vesa ( a generic driver ) to enable GUI mode.
- Next I had to install Nvidia drivers. I little search on SUSE site took me to their Nvidia Page. It has detailed instructions for OpenSUSE 10.2 and OpenSUSE 10.3. It even distinguishes between "new" and legacy Nvidia cards. Here again I saw how easy is it to use 1-Click install. I choose the "new" Nvidia card for my 6200 and just followed the YAST2 install procedure. Here is a direct link for new Nvidia cards driver for the lazy readers
To use NVIDIA's driver directly to run Compiz or Compiz Fusion run the following commands and restart X (Logout and press<CTRL> <ALT> <BACKSPACE> ). su -
nvidia-xconfig --composite
nvidia-xconfig --render-accel
nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24 - With proper drivers for my card installed, I went to the OpenSUSE 10.3 compiz-fusion install page. Again the install was as simple as clicking
For KDE and
- I did not follow any further instructions, instead I went to KDE Menu and clicked on "Compiz Fusion Icon" under New Applications. Thats it. I had the beautiful Compiz-Fusion in all its glory.
Also would request to please tell me how to have that ultra cool FIRE burning effect that I have seen in numerous you tube videos.
OpenSUSE have really hit the bulls eye with their one click install concept and I am loving it.
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Works great on my computer, but my computer is definitely slower...
Nice to know that I am actually helping people.
With Compiz even I have experienced a decrease in responsiveness. But thats OK when I look at the cool efects. Now I have "discovered" how to use the Fire effect and its super cool.
B/w whats the configuration of your computer?
i get all kinds of errors when trying to install. missing or not found dependencies for compiz fusion. have a clean install with all nvidias drivers and setup. any help?
What kind of missing dependency are you getting. You can try this link http://software.opensuse.org/search?baseproject=openSUSE%3A10.3
This has the latest 1-Click drivers. You may search for compiz.
Hope this helps.
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